This is the truth of my sad living - while I pretend to be enjoying the high life of eating out at the hottest and trendiest restaurants all the time, I actually spend most of my day and night in the office. I recently took a tally on my daily intake - and realised how pathetic it is.
B: Tuna bun & choco milk L: Chicken spaghetti & Milk tea D: Pork ribs with veg rice & milk tea
Comment: The recently opened Cafe De Coral takeout branch at Airport Express is now our favourite joint - the spaghetti was really good. The pork ribs was extremely oily though... felt like I was drinking oil.
B: Home-made macaroni L: Expensive CitySuper sushi D: Cup noodle
目前分類:●Rants & raves (5)
- Oct 13 Thu 2005 07:16
●Rants: Tirade on food choices at IFC
- Oct 03 Mon 2005 22:27
●Rants: Addicted to 奶茶

Am a milk tea addict - the Chinese local diner's style, "Chachanteng version" - in general I down at least three to four cups of milk tea a day. This is the full strength original, using condensed milk and black tea brewed with broken egg shells, not the watered down Western version. I generally buy them at meal times, one at breakfast, one at lunch, one in the afternoon and one at dinner. This is the bare minimum. Sometimes when my colleagues order breakfast after I have enjoyed mine, they'd always be kind enough (!) to swing in an extra milk tea for me.
My craving is so bad that on the occasional mornings when I didn't have time to buy my milk tea, I would be grumpy and edgy and whining non-stop to the people sitting around me about the lack of my morning brew. Sometimes they'd get so frustrated or tempted that they'd order a couple to be delivered to the office.
- Aug 02 Tue 2005 07:14
●Rants: Am glad July is finally over
Was reflecting on my bad luck in the month of July on my flight to Taipei over the weekend, and realised that I was probably jinxed...
- Another scary horse riding incident involving a thunderstorm, an irritating classmate that provoked my horse, an agitated and out of control horse, and almost toppling over on cement grounds.
- The absolute WORST flight ever when returning from Singapore - this deserves a proper entry another time.
- Jun 05 Sun 2005 13:07
●Rants: Beware of con email
Was cleaning up my gmail account when I notice the following email from a "Wu Chong"~ while the name didn't register in my brain, I assumed this was from a real person and started reading it and discovered it was another con email and decided to expose him~ if you are reading this, Wu Chong (I suspect this is not your real name anyway) by chance, I know that I am no longer considered young, but am not old enough to be an aunt, ok? That obviously ticked me off...
I wonder what would happen if I indeed email him asking how I could pay that USD$60~ but really, I couldn't be bothered...
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Wu Chong>
Date: May 18, 2005 2:58 PM
Subject: Thank you for the wreaths
- Jun 01 Wed 2005 10:34
●Rants: Mastering the art of complaining

See below for original blog...